
Many campaigns follow the same route despite the differences in their content. This can cause them to get lost in the flood of daily content we are bombarded with. I wanted to create an effective campaign that not only draws in a large audience, but sticks in their mind long enough they can act on it.


The goal of this campaign is to educate people on the problems that exist in American healthcare and put those issues on people's radar for the upcoming election. This campaign aims to appeal to new voters that are still making their minds up on big issues.  Through the use of fresh colors and organic shapes, the tone aims to be a friendly and casual one to draw in these younger voters while avoiding the uncomfortable and distant feelings healthcare is typically associated with.
By incorporating statistics with firsthand stories of people who have struggled with their healthcare costs, the campaign aims to create a mixture of both emotional and logical appeal that will engage people on multiple levels.  

2D Series

This series is more information-dense and large enough to hold stats, paragraphs and images all together. All the information carries that friendly feel with the pink and red color palette that runs through the whole campaign, however, the placement of them makes them much more likely to hit home: the aforementioned cold and flu section of a pharmacy or in the case of the magazine: placed next to a medicine ad. That way the brain is already in the realm of healthcare, making it that much more likely for the FairCare message to sink in.

3D Series

This series aims to intrigue viewers with the unexpected sight of a massive bandage plastered to buildings, buses, and more. The band-aid immediately clues people into knowing the topic is health-related and the text clarifies further. These functions are primarily to grab attention and motivate people to find out more.


The website aims to educate people on candidates and their stances on healthcare and how it will affect the country. It displays testimonials as well as provides a place for others to share their story or struggle. Lastly, it will connect voters to resources on how to vote and where to vote.

Campaign Book
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